Army Admit Card 2024 Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Selection Procedures: Check complete information regarding Army Admit Card 2024 like Exam Pattern, Selection Procedures, Syllabus, date and time of Rally, Place of Army Rally Bharti, and candidates roll Number. The Indian Army will release the Indian Army Admit Card to Candidates for participating in a physical fitness test and written exam. The Admit Card is a mandatory document to participating in Soldier (General Duty) GD, Soldier Technical (Tech), Soldier Clerk/Skt, Soldier Nursing Assistant, tradesmen, And Education Havaldar. As we know that every year the Indian Army conducts an Army recruitment rally one time a year.
Army Admit Card 2024 overview
- Organization Name: Join Indian Army
- Categories Name: Indian Army Admit Card, Written Test, Date, Physical Test
- Post Name: Various (Soldier GD, Technical, NA, Clerk, and Tradesmen)
- Notification: Army Admit Card 2024, Syllabus
- Mode of Apply: Online
- Nationality: Indian
- Job Location: All over India
- Bharti Date: April/October 2024
- Mode of Written Exam: Offline
- Status: Yet Not Available
- Website:
Army Selection Procedures 2024
- Download Admit Card
- Physical Measurement
- Physical Ability Test
- Medical Examination
- written Test
How to Download Indian Army Admit Card 2024
- Candidates visit the Indian Army Official website to download call letter.
- On the homepage open link of‘JCO/OR Apply/Login’.
- Entering the candidate’s mail ID and password and click on the login button.
- Now your user profile will open, click on download admit card (when available).
- Download Army Admit Card 2024 and Take a printout of admit card and carry in the Rally center.
Soldier General Duty (GD) Exam Pattern
- The question paper is generally comprised of objective type questions, which consists of General Science, General Knowledge, and Maths (10th level).
- The questions paper will complete within 01 hours.
- The question paper will consist of a total of 50 Questions (02 Marks each).
- The question paper will conduct for a total of 100 Mark.
- Obtain 32 marks to pass the Soldier GD CEE.
Soldier Tradesman Exam Pattern
- Soldier Tradesman paper will be (8th/10th Standard).
- Generally question paper will comprise of objective type questions on General Science, General Knowledge, and Maths.
- The question paper duration will be of 01 hours (60 minutes).
- The question paper will consist of a total of 50 Questions (02 Marks each).
- The question paper will conduct for 100 Marks.
- 32 marks are compulsory to pass CEE.
Soldier Technical Exam Pattern
- The question paper will be 12th level objective type question.
- The question paper will consist of General Knowledge, Physics, Chemistry and Maths.
- The questions paper will conduct for a total of 200 Marks.
- The examination duration will be 01 hours.
- The examination will consist of a total of 50 Questions (04 Marks each).
- Minimum 80 marks are requiring to passing the Soldier Technical CEE.
Soldier Nursing Assistant (NA) Pattern and Syllabus
- Soldier Nursing Assistant question paper generally comprises of multiple-choice questions.
- The question paper will comprise of General Knowledge, Maths (10th Level), Chemistry and Biology and.
- The examination duration will be of 01 hours.
- The question paper will carry a total of 50 Questions (04 Marks each).
- The question paper will conduct for a total of 200 Marks.
- The candidates will have to acquire 80 marks to pass the CEE.
Soldier Clerk / SKT Exam Pattern and Syllabus
- The Written Exam Paper comprises of multiple-choice questions on General Science, Maths, Computer Science, General Knowledge, and English.
- The question paper duration will be 01 hours.
- The question paper will consist of a total of 50 Questions (04 Marks each).
- Total of 200 Marks will carry by question paper.
- Candidates will have to obtain at least 32% (32 marks) for passing marks.
Army Admit Card 2024 will announce for:
HQ ARO Lucknow, ARO Amethi, ARO Varanasi, ARO Meerut ARO Bareilly, ARO Agra,, ARO Pithoragarh, ARO Almora, ARO Lansdowne.
RO HQ Aambala, ARO Rohtak, Hisar, IRO Delhi, ARO Shimla, ARO Palampur, ARO Charkhidadri, ARO Rohtak, ARO Mandi, ARO Hamirpur,
RO HQ Bangalore, ARO Belgaum, ARO Calicut, ARO Mangalore, ARO Trivandrum.
RO HQ Chennai, ARO Secunderabad, ARO Vishakapatanam, ARO Gunture, ARO Tiruchirapalli, ARO Coimbatore.
RO HQ Danapur, ARO Muzaffarpur, ARO Ranchi, ARO Gaya.
RO HQ Jabalpur, ARO Gwalior, ARO Mhow, ARO Raipur, and ARO Bhopal.
RO HQ Jaipur, ARO Alwar, ARO Jodhpur, ARO Jhunjhunu, and ARO Kota.
RO HQ Jalandhar, ARO Firozpur,ARO Jammu, ARO Patiala, ARO Amritsar, ARO Ludhiana, ARO Srinagar.
RO HQ Kolkata, ARO Behrampore, ARO Cuttack, ARO Barrackpore, ARO Siliguri, ARO Sambalpur, ARO Gopalpur,
RO HQ Pune, ARO Kolhapur, ARO Aurangabad, ARO Mumbai, ARO Nagpur, ARO Ahemdabad, ARO Jamnagar,
RO HQ Shillong, ARO Jorhat, ARO Narangi, ARO Azawl, GRD Kunragahat, GRD Ghoom, ARO Rangapahar, ARO Silchar, Army CEE Result
TA Bharti 2024 Territorial Army Open Rally Date, Age, State